Thursday Plantation Lavender for the relief of symptoms of eczema, to help relieve nervous tension and insomnia and to give temporary relief of headaches

Lavender Oil 50ml Thursday Plantation

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What it does:

Thursday Plantation Lavender for the relief of symptoms of eczema, to help relieve nervous tension and insomnia and to give temporary relief of headaches. Lavender Oil can also be used for the relief of tick, wasp and insect bites. 

  • Adults Only: To help relieve nervous tension, insomnia and give temporary relief of headaches - Massage: 5 drops (1/4mL) to 10mL carrier oil. Apply to temples, forehead, back of neck, shoulders or full body. Vapourisation: 5 drops (1/4mL) in water in oil burner. Bath: 5 drops (1/4mL) in bath water
  • For the relief of symptoms of eczema - Direct application: Dilute 5 drops (1/4mL) to 10mL carrier oil
  • For relief from tick, wasp and insect bites - Dab undiluted onto affected area

Lavender Oil is the mothering heal-all oil inspiring security, clarity and emotional balance. To relieve headache, stress, tension and insomnia, massage directly into the temples or add to a therapeutic bath or massage blend. In a massage blend this oil is also excellent for relieving muscular aches and pains, digestive upsets and menstrual cramping as it analgesic and carminative. Lavender is also a gentle healer to remedy minor skin conditions such as eczema, insect bites and inflammations, apply direct or in a massage blend. A few drops in a burner creates a calm and nurturing space.

Aroma: cool, fresh, herbaceous, floral with woody undertones. A middle note.

Blends well with: all citrus oils, chamomile, geranium, eucalyptus, rosemary, thyme, tea tree, peppermint, grapefruit, clary sage, palma rosa, cypress, juniper, pine, aniseed, black pepper, marjoram, cedarwood, lemongrass.

What is in it?

  • Essential oil: steam distillation of flowers of Lavandula angustifolia

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